The Virginia Public Access Project

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Visual Developer

Dec. 2020 ‒ Present

In my role as a visual developer, I'm primarily tasked with building front-end interactive graphics to help people understand Virginia politics and government. To that end, I built most of the front-end code and pieces of the back-end code for VPAP's redistricting app. I also built most of the code for displaying the live results of the 2020 Republican Convention. Beyond working on larger-scale projects, I've frequently created one-off data visualizations. And I've created tools in the form of a small web app and a Svelte component library to reduce the amount of boilerplate I have to write.

Thumbnail showing Younkin winning the GOP nomination for governor.

In 2020, The Virginia GOP decided to run a multi-round, ranked-choice election where delegates' votes were weighted based on where they lived. Despite having only a week to design and build the pages, we created a live election results page. I built the front-end code in d3 and Svelte, as well as much of the server-side code in Django.